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martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Sagmeister: Another Book…

El pasado mes de marzo, Stefan Sagmeister publicó un nuevo libro, "Another Book About Promotion & Sales Material" que como el título lo indica contiene todo el trabajo autopromocional y comercial que ha desarrollado durante los últimos 7 años; la semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de darle una hojeada y este es uno de esos libros que no pueden faltar en el librero.

Obsessions make my life worse and my work better. There's hardly any creative who doesn't know him, secretly dreaming of being just a bit like Stefan Sagmeister: A graphic design popstar, someone who can pick his customers and saves his own creative freedom. Someone who builds a bridge from art and creation to commerce. Someone, who makes no compromises.
He makes happen, what others only dream about, he exceeds limits – and he's a brilliant salesman: selling his clients in economy and culture, his friends and himself.

Lo pueden comprar en Amazon por $25 dólares.

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