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martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

The Happy Film por Stefan Sagmeister

Les presento los títulos de inico de la nueva aventura de Stefan Sagmeister, hacer una película titulada "The happy Film" que toca el tema del comportamiento humano para ser mas felices.

Si todo sale bien este largometraje se estrenará en 2012, esta dirigido por Stefan Sagmeister y Hillman Curtis; yo ya tuve la suerte de poder ver los primeros 10 minutos durante el OFFF 2011 y pinta relamente bien.

The Happy Film takes a look at the strategies serious psychologists 'recommend to improve one's personal well-being and overall happiness. Questions such as 'Is it possible to train our mind in the same way' that we train our bodies?' and 'Can we change our behavior to make'us happier?' will be put to the test in this highly visual documentary.

Designer Stefan Sagmeister will attempt a long list of various strategies – 'from the sublime to the ridiculous – and report back on the results. 'The documentary's experiments and explorations are loosely based on Stefan's book Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far. Though the focus will be on the ability of meditation, cognitive therapy, and pharmaceuticals to significantly alter well-being – the maxims from his book will 'serve as access points to a larger exploration of happiness, it's cultural' significance, our constant pursuit of it, and its uniquely ephemeral nature. Throughout these experiments, our team will work closely with a group' of health professionals to properly define and assess Stefan's happiness.

The Happy Film

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